About Brights’

Brights’ Society is registered as a charitable organization under (1950 act) and 1860 act. It is also registered with income tax act under 12A and 80G. 

Our address for correspondence is: 

103 Shivasmruti,
Opp Patankar Clinic,
Gavand Path, off Gokhale Road,
Naupada Thane – 400602
+91 98676 91688


You can also join us if:


  • You are more than 18 year old,
  • Agree with society’s manifesto,
  • Apply for membership,
  • And pay the subscription fees.

Any such member who is approved either by the executive committee or by the general body can become a voting member. 
All voting members can vote in AGM and participate in elections. 

(Detailed criteria rules and regulations can be viewed by members on request)

Founder members:

Persons who have actively participated in the society’s activities, helped materially or morally and satisfying the above general membership criteria will be designated as “Founder Member”. Founder members will have the same rights as that of voting members.